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LMHS, 14, Taurus, bands.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Attitude is a way a person feels or thinks about something and it's reflected on the way that someone behaves. 
Some words that are the same thing as attitude are temper, reaction, perspective, outlook, view, etc

Some examples of attitude are something like having a good attitude like believing that things will turn out good or talking to people in a good way and maybe you're always smiling and being optimistic. 

An example of having a bad attitude can be when you're really pessimistic and when you are rude to people and when you're ignorant  and when you have a bad attitude no one will want to talk to you                                                                                              

Monday, April 28, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"He who walks with
the wise grows wise,
but a companion of
fools suffers harm."
A Proverb 
What this means is that you have to watch out with who you hang out with. When you don't pay attention to  who you hang out with you could end up getting hurt because at times they might ask you to do the wrong thing but you should be smart enough and ignore them and try to find better people because if you don't you're going to get screwed over but when you do pick the right kind of friends you get to accomplish a lot of things like do better in school, meet alot of cool people and they influence you to follow your dreams and to even graduate some examples of having bad friends are like them pressuring you to smoke and good friends can be them telling you to do your work,

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you."
what this statement means is that you can't make someone do your work like if you have a project for a class you can't hire anybody else t o d o your project because you're the one who's responsible for it and no one else is. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Abraham Lincoln Video

He didn't want to smoke with colonel because at the age of nine he promised his mother before she died that he'd never smoke or drink whiskey and he didn't want to break the promise because to him it was really important

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"Man's rise or fall, success or failure, happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude....a man's attitude will create the situation he imagines." 
James Allen
Whatever you imagine you'll become so you should think good things so you can accomplish a lot of things. 

Bullet List of 25 Opposites

  1. tall / short
  2. fat / skinny
  3. hot / cold 
  4. fail / pass
  5. good / bad
  6. right / wrong 
  7. yes / no 
  8. in / out
  9. mean / nice 
  10. left / right 
  11. up / down 
  12. dirty / clean 
  13. disrespectful / respectful
  14. dumb / smart 
  15. fast / slow
  16. open / closed
  17. sad / happy 
  18. crying / smiling
  19. girl / boy 
  20. hate / love
  21. like / dislike 
  22. new / old
  23. first / last 
  24. day / night
  25. dry / wet

Clinical Manager

Clinical Manager 
Duties and Responsibilities: 
They ensure that everything in the clinical facility is running effectively and they're responsible for making sure that everything is organized inside the facility they come up with the policies and procedures for other departments and they also educate employees about changes they may make in the future

Average Salary: $60,000

Educational Requirements: In order to work in this you must have a bachelor's degree in medical service administration 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Student Success Statement 
"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
Joseph B. Wirthlin 
What this statement means is that if you're kind to others it will get you far and that's all that should matter because when you're kind you get more and better things given back at you.

Speech Pathologist

Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities: What they do is they communicate with the patients and encourage the patients to learn how to talk in public some people in this field work in different kind of groups live some may work for the elder groups or groups for children 

Average Salary: $68,870 

Educational Requirements: Most people who would want to be in this field need to have a masters' degree and they need to be licensed in almost all states

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ten Acts of Kindness

  1. helping an old person cross the street
  2. giving someone your seat in the bus
  3. helping others
  4. let someone borrow money
  5. giving someone a smile
  6. give someone a hand
  7. being respectful
  8. giving advice
  9. be there for them
  10. treating them with respect

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"Visualization-- imagination: What you see is what you get."
what this means is that if you determine to want something then that's what you're going to get because then you get motivation and then the more you think of what you want the more you'd want to succeed. 

Sonographer (Ultra Sound Technician)

Sonographer (Ultra Sound Technician)
Duties and Responsibilities: They work with very high frequency sound waves into the body tissues to produce images or pictures of fetuses and these images are used to diagnose and treat patients and what they also do is check for the patient's medical history, explain procedures, determine the best position to determine the images, and they operate photography. 

Average Salary: $24,000 - $38,000

Educational Requirements: The students who want to be in this field should take the most difficult classes available in science, math, or English and some programs in this field are offered in community colleges or in hospitals.  

Monday, April 7, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"You will never be a winner if you lose your temper."
What this means is that if you loose your temper you may do things you could regret like you can say rude things to people that you don't mean 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself"
Noemi Trigueros 
It means that if you always do the right thing then you're making a good person out of yourself because you're being honest, respectful, loyal, and trustworthy, etc but if you don't then you're like a bad person

Environmental Health Specialist

Environmental Health Specialist 
Duties and Responsibilities: 
They enforce government regulations and advise and educate clients.  They also improve water and sanitation facilities and are involved in improving the quality of community environments and collect and analyze samples or design and manage sanitation. 

Average Salary: $25,000 - $50,000

Educational Requirements:
 Students should take college preparatory courses, especially in mathematics and science, during high school. 
A career as a sanitarian or environmental health specialist requires a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in environmental health or environmental engineering.  Many jobs require certification and/or a Master's Degree in these, or related fields.